I'm An Overcomer
About The Author
Patricia Vann, also known as LadyPee was born and raised in Brooklyn New York, the only daughter of her mother and father. She has two brothers. She loves writing while listening to R&B or after bike riding. She loves doing the things boys like to do, building and creating things. Most of all she loves helping people. Anything she can do to help better a situation, here's your girl. She grew up in the projects where she wasn't expected to become much. Since she was older than her brothers, she always had to defend herself and them. She didn't have any aunts, only uncles. My uncles taught her about life and boys. They taught her how to fix things, work on cars and how to carry herself like a lady. What her mother and grandmother didn't say, her uncles sure did. She is one to always give her love first because she just loves people. Her mother would remind her often, "Everyone doesn't always feel the same as you." So, she just learned to love regardless. She lives by the belief love never fails, nor changes you. And Love conquers all.
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